
Cool Mathematical gif Animated Files

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Cool Math gif Tips

Problems: What are the most cool mathematical gif animated files? 

Cool math gif tips: Helicatenoid, two-tori, and torus inside-out are three most cool math gif animated files.

Helicatenoid gif animation
An animated GIF showing the transformation of a helicoid to a catenoid.
The catenoid and the helicoid are two very different-looking surfaces. Nevertheless, each of them can be continuously bent into the other: they are locally isometric. It follows from Theorema - Egregium that under this bending the Gaussian curvature at any two corresponding points of the catenoid and helicoid is always the same. Thus isometry is simply bending and twisting of a surface without internal crumpling or tearing, in other words without extra tension, compression or shear (dictionary.sensagent.com).

Tori gif animation
Cool animated GIF of two tori.

Turning a punctured torus inside-out
Another cool animated GIF of torus.


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