
How to find and post a gif animated file on Muzy?

Tips Joy - computing, housework, health, gardening, travel, Seattle tips.

Post a GIF File on Muzy Tips

Problems: I want to know how to find and post a GIF animated file on Muzy?

Post a GIF file on Muzy tips: Find a GIF animated file that you like from the internet, copy its URL, and upload it on Muzy using Muzy Text app.

Here is the simplest way to post a GIF file on Muzy:

Search the internet and find a GIF you like
Type “gif” to search it on the internet.

For example, I typed “gif”; clicked the “Best Funny Gifs and Animated Gifs Updated Daily”; and found the GIF animated file (Kitten with head phones) that I like.


Copy its URL
Click the photo using Right button of your mouse. A multiple choice window will come up.
Click “Copy image location” using Left button of your mouse.

Open Muzy Text app
Click create post > text

Upload the animated GIF file on Muzy

Click 'Add an image' box; 'Web address'; and paste the coped URL into the URL box using Right button of your mouse.  Then click ‘Find’ box and the animated photo will show up.

Add the title / text and post it on Muzy

You can add more GIF files by repeating the above steps.

If the URL of GIF animated picture is not available to copy; then you can save this image on your computer and upload it to your website (internet hosting server) to get URL of this GIF file. You also can create a GIF animated file by yourself using camera or camcorder. The detailed explanation is available below.

How to Convert Digital Camera Video (AVI - Audio Video Interleave) to Animated GIF
How to Convert Camcorder Video MTS to Animated GIF

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Add PDF / Word Files on Your Website

Tips Joy - computing, housework, health, gardening, travel, Seattle tips.

Publish PDF or Word Files Tips


Problems: How to add PDF or Word document files to my webpage and the readers can print them directly? 

Publish PDF or Word files tips: First you need upload PDF / Word files to the folder of your hosting server (Web site). Then add interlinks to these files at the specific locations of your web page HTML file.

Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) is a great way to display documents and to be printed. You can use it for the documents you don't want people to be able to edit. The PDF document is also independent of the application software, hardware and operating system used to create, display, or print it. Here is the Acrobat Reader Web site 
It’s easy to include a PDF or Word file on your web page, so your readers can open it or download it directly.

Create your PDF / Word files
Use Adobe Acrobat or other PDF printer to create PDF file (e.g. Test1.pdf using free PDF converter software)
Use Microsoft Office or other software to crate word file (e.g. Test2.doc).

Find the PDF / Word file folder of your website
Find the folder name where you will upload the PDF and Word files to? Main folder or another folder on your Web site? If you have a lot of PDF /Word files, it's better to keep them in a separate directory> The main folder can be used mainly for HTML files. (e.g., you can create a new folder “documents” for both PDF and Word files)

Upload PDF / Word file to the folder of your hosting server (Web site)
Upload your PDF / Word files (Test1.pdf, Test2.doc) to the folder (e.g., “documents”) of your hosting server. You can use the easy file upload program that your Web hosting service provides (e.g., CPanel File Manager) or use a FTP program to upload your pdf file to your Web site.

Make a link to the PDF / Word file on your Web page
Use HTML editor (free software NotePad++) to link the PDF / Word file to your Web page. Add the hyperlink to the place where you want the link to show up in the body of your webpage HTML file.

If you had uploaded the PDF /Word file on the same (your hosting) server, the code would look like:
<a href ="documents/Test1.pdf">Click here for the Test1.pdf PDF file</a>
<a href ="documents/Test2.doc">Click here for the Test2.doc Word file</a>

If you had uploaded the PDF /Word file on a different hosting server, the code would look like this instead:
<a href ="http://www.yourwebsite.com/documents/Test1.pdf">Click here for the Test1.pdf PDF file</a>
<a href ="http://www.yourwebsite.com/documents/Test2.doc">Click here for the Test2.doc Word file</a>

Testing the link on your Web page
When click the link on your Web page, the PDF / Word file will be opened or can be saved as a file on the reader’s computer.

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Strong family relationship tips

Tips Joy - computing, housework, health, gardening, travel, Seattle tips.

Build a Strong Family Relationship Tips

Problems: How to build and maintain a strong family relationship?

Strong Family Relationship Tips: We all need to learn the importance of the relationships with our families. Always show them that they are important to you with care, trust, respect, and appreciation.

Our families are important to us. A strong family teaches us how to function well in the world. It provides love and warmth to all of us. It gives us the support we need to make it through life’s toughest spots.
The following are valuable tips to build a strong family relationship.

Always show care, trust, respect, and appreciation
We all need to learn the importance of the relationships with our families. Always show them that they are important to you with care, trust, respect, and appreciation. Just as you have to work on any friendship or marriage you must work on your relationships with your family.

Always spend time together
To build strong family relationships, listen actively to each other. Let all family members feel heard and respected to encourage all family members share their thoughts and feelings. Expressions of sincere recognition, appreciation, love, and praise will strengthen any family relationship.

Always have good communication
To build strong family relationships, listen actively to each other. Let all family members feel heard and respected to encourage all family members to share their thoughts and feelings. Expressions of sincere recognition, appreciation, love, and praise will strengthen any family relationship.

Always handle family conflict fairly and work at solving problems
All families have conflict--it’s a natural part of human relationships. Strong families are able to work through fights and disagreements by focusing on the problems, rather than by “tearing each other down.”

Fights should never become violent. When people are so angry that they feel like hitting one another or throwing things, then the discussion should be stopped. Agree to get together to talk again after everyone has had a chance to calm down.

In strong families, conflicts and crises are times when the members pull together in order not to be pulled apart by the imposing difficulties.

Always commit yourself to the goal of a strong family
First, let the individual members of your family know that they have priority over those outside the family. This kind of commitment builds loyalty and devotion into the home. Strong families are deeply committed to the family unit and to promoting the happiness and welfare of each other. Family commitment comes from an active involvement in setting and carrying out family goals.

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How to Live Longer, Healthier, and Happier?


How to Live Longer, Healthier, and Happier?

Tips Joy - computing, housework, health, gardening, travel, Seattle tips.

Live Longer, Healthier, and Happier Tips

Problems: What are main factors for people living longer, healthier, and happier?

Live Longer, Healthier, and Happier Tips: Eat healthy diet (food), stay active (low-intensity physical exercise), take a break (de-stress to keep peaceful mind), keep positive thoughts (discover the purpose in your life), adopt the right or moral beliefs, stay social with healthy lifestyle people, and build strong family relationships are key factors to lead people live longer, healthier, and happier.

Besides modern medicine, diet, exercise, and your thoughts, beliefs, and behavior are also key factors to lead people live longer, healthier, and happier. "There's good evidence that emotional, spiritual, and social factors are all important for longevity," says Gary Small, M.D., director of the Center on Aging at UCLA.

Here are some most valuable tips for people living longer, healthier, and happier.

Eat healthy diet (food) - choose natural greens and do not overeat
Eat most natural plant-based food and cut back on your meat consumption. Natural foods are minimally processed and do not contain any hormones, antibiotics, sweeteners, food colors, or flavorings that were not originally in the food (Wikipedia).

Don't overeat (80% rule to limit your calories)
Based on the Longevity Expedition (Dan Buettner's search for the fountain of youth), the only proven way to slow down aging in mammals is caloric restrictions. We should take fewer calories than we normally eat. Use smaller plates when eating.

The advances in technology and research also show how calorie restriction diet affects the aging process. Dr. Oz says calorie restriction is the number one way doctors say we can extend longevity. When you restrict your calories, the body understands that it doesn't have any resources to waste. "The body gets really efficient," "You turn on this new chemical pathway we never knew existed called the sirtuin pathway. What it tells you is don't make more babies because you don't have the excess abundant energy to do that—just live longer." The body's cells also benefit when calories are limited. "We don't have toxic waste products coming out of our energy cells," "So we're actually able to get the individual cell lines to live longer."

Stay active - low-intensity physical exercise
Do regular low-intensity physical exercise, such as yoga, walking briskly every day. It’s better than running. Growing a garden is the greatest low intensity activities and emerged with organic vegetables.

Take a break - de-stress to keep peaceful mind) and enjoy the natures
Take a break at least one period of the week to de-stress, get together with family and good friends, and enjoy the natures..

Keep positive thoughts - discover the purpose in your life
People who have positive thoughts and discover the purpose in your life will live longer, healthier, and happier. Taking the time to know what your values are and acting out those values are important ingredients in the formula for happiness. Keep your brain active will also contribute towards a healthier and productive lifestyle.

Adopt the right or moral beliefs
Form and adopt the right or moral beliefs relying on sound reasoning processes. The faith communities provide support, and religious people tend to avoid life-shortening vices like smoking or drinking excessively.

Stay social with healthy lifestyle people
Spend time and effort augmenting your social circle with people who have the right values and a healthy lifestyle and cut out the toxic people in your life.

Build strong family relationships
People with strong family connections enjoy better health and longer life. The family provides love and warmth to all of its members. A strong family gives its members the support they need to make it through life’s toughest spots.

The support of solid relationships boosts immune function. Marriage may be the most important relationship. Studies consistently find that married people live longer.

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Cool Mathematical gif Animated Files

Tips Joy - computing, housework, health, gardening, travel, free online stuff, Seattle tips.

Cool Math gif Tips

Problems: What are the most cool mathematical gif animated files? 

Cool math gif tips: Helicatenoid, two-tori, and torus inside-out are three most cool math gif animated files.

Helicatenoid gif animation
An animated GIF showing the transformation of a helicoid to a catenoid.
The catenoid and the helicoid are two very different-looking surfaces. Nevertheless, each of them can be continuously bent into the other: they are locally isometric. It follows from Theorema - Egregium that under this bending the Gaussian curvature at any two corresponding points of the catenoid and helicoid is always the same. Thus isometry is simply bending and twisting of a surface without internal crumpling or tearing, in other words without extra tension, compression or shear (dictionary.sensagent.com).

Tori gif animation
Cool animated GIF of two tori.

Turning a punctured torus inside-out
Another cool animated GIF of torus.


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How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep?

Tips Joy - computing, housework, health, gardening.

Healthy Sleep Tips

Problems: How to sleep better at night without pills?

Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep: With good habits and sleep friendly environment, you can get better sleep all the time.

While sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, most healthy adults need at least 8 hours of sleep each night to function at their best. With a good sleep at night, you will be more productive, mentally sharp, emotionally balanced, and full of energy all day long.

Here are some useful tips for getting a good night’s sleep naturally. Try to implement one or more together and you’ll get better sleeping patterns, deep sleep and body rest.

Stick to a sleep schedule
Keep a regular sleep schedule in sync with your body’s natural sleep–wake cycle.
Stick to a schedule to go to bed and wake up every day; even on weekends.
Avoid daytime sleep if possible. Limit daytime nap no longer than 20 minutes.

Stick to a natural healthy lifestyle
Spend more time outside during daylight. Let as much light into your home/workspace as possible during the day.
Get regular exercise. Exercise will help you sleep better. Twenty to thirty minutes of exercise in the morning or afternoon every day can help you sleep, even if it's just to take a walk.
Relaxing exercises such as yoga or gentle stretching can help promote sleep.
Keep positive and productive thoughts all the time. Avoid unhelpful worrying and fears, especially about things outside your control.
Quit smoking. Nicotine disrupts sleep.

Make your bedroom more sleep friendly
Create an environment that is suitable for sleeping. Equip your room with soft lighting, comfortable bedding, and relaxing music.
The darker the bedroom is, the better you’ll sleep. Keep minimum night light for safe walking only at night.
Keep your room slightly cooler (around 65° F or 18° C) with adequate ventilation.
Turn the clock away from your view. Watching it only makes you more anxious and less able to fall asleep.
Keep noise down or eliminate noise by sound masking or earplugs.

Create a relaxing bedtime habits
Hours before bedtime, avoid doing any kind of work that cause you thinking, worrying, stressful, or nervous.
Make a consistent effort to relax and unwind before bed, you will sleep easier and more deeply.
Taking a hot shower or bath before bed helps bring on sleep because they can relax tense muscles.
Read a book or magazine by a soft light to fall asleep.
Make simple preparations for the next day.

Avoid eating, caffeine, alcohol, and liquids just before bed
Eat dinner earlier in the evening, and avoid heavy, rich foods within two hours of bed. Stay away from big, spicy, or acidic meals at night to avoid stomach trouble and heartburn.
Avoid drinking too many liquids in the evening. Drinking lots of water, juice, tea, or other fluids may result in frequent bathroom trips throughout the night.
No caffeine after 7:00 p.m.
Avoid alcohol before bed. Although it may make it easier to fall asleep, it causes you to wake up or nightmares during the night.

If sleep won't come or unable to sleep after waking up at night
Continue to cue your body for sleep, remain in bed in a relaxed position. Stay out of your head and just be relaxed and focus on the feelings and sensations in your body.
Write down what's on your mind. Put it aside and get back to sleep. Figure out the solutions during the day.
If you struggling with sleep problems most nights, consider to see a physician for a checkup.

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How to Reduce Saturated Fat in Cooking?

Cut Meat Fat in Cooking
Problems: How to cut meat fat in cooking and keep my weight in control?

Healthy Cooking Tips: Choose lean cuts; trim all visible fat; use low-fat cooking techniques; drain fat from cooked meats; skim off fat from soups and stews, and to reduce saturated fat.

Here are some useful tips to reduce the saturated meat fat in cooking and will keep your body in better shape:

Choose extra-lean meat and skinless chicken breasts
Lean beef cuts include the round, chuck, sirloin or loin. Lean pork cuts include the tenderloin or loin chop, while lean lamb cuts come from the leg, arm and loin.

Trim all visible fat from meats and poultry before cooking
Cut off all visible meat fat before or after cooking. Remove poultry skin before eating to help lower fat, but remove it before cooking to lower even more.

Use low-fat cooking techniques
Grill, broil, bake, braise, steam, poach, slow-cook, and microwave foods instead of frying them.

Drain the fat during or after cooking
Use a rack or pan to drain off fat when broiling, roasting or baking. Drain fat with a line mesh strainer, skillet, or colander and blot them with kitchen paper. An alternative to drain the fat from the pan is to rinse the meat with hot water once the meat is cooked.

Skim off fat from soups and stews made with meat or poultry
Cook a day ahead of time. Stews, boiled meat, soup stock or other dishes in which fat cooks into the liquid can be refrigerated. Then the hardened fat can be removed from the top.

Eat chicken and turkey rather than other meats
Duck, goose, and red meats have higher fat. Organ meats such as liver, sweetbreads, kidney and brain are very high in cholesterol. If you're on a cholesterol-lowering diet, eat them only occasionally.

Eat fresh meat and limit processed meats
Many processed meats, such as sausage, bologna, salami and hot dogs, are high in calories and saturated fat. They are often high in sodium as well. If necessary, choose chicken or turkey sausages instead of pork or beef sausages.

Consider moderate portion sizes of meat
About the size of a deck of cards, to avoid excess calories and fat.

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