
It's Time to Harvest Tomatoes

Tips Joy - computing, housework, health, gardening. When You See the Beautiful Color of Autumn, It's Time to Harvest Tomatoes 

It’s fun to plant tomato, watch it to grow, and harvest it.

When you harvest it, you can pick the ripest tomatoes, and leave the rest to mature on the plant. Fully-ripened fruit tastes much better than fruit picked early.

Usually it’s time to pick it up when its color turns red / orange for red tomatoes, yellow for yellow tomatoes.

It’s important to remember to pick all the tomatoes from the plant before the first frost. It’s time for a final harvest. If you leave them on the plants and tomatoes are exposed to frost, they will be ruined completely.

When you pick green tomatoes off the plant, remember to leave a short stem (on the vine) for each of them and bring them inside to ripen.
You can sort tomatoes in different color groups and store them in the willow baskets. Tomatoes in each group will ripen at about the same speed.

As for the immature green tomatoes which rarely develop a ripened-tomato flavor, you can use them for cooking.

Have the fun to enjoy watching and eating your own tomatoes. www.topcooltips.com

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